Monday, May 10, 2010

seriously?! are you sure??!???

that was my initial reaction last thursday (may 6, 2010). the nurse from the specialist called me back to give the results of my progesterone levels and my blood type. instead, she called to tell me that the blood test came back POSITIVE, meaning a pregnancy positive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she congratulated me and i kept saying, "but i was JUST in there yesterday and got an ultrasound and we didn't see anything. are you sure??" she said that it was very common and that i was probably VERY early in my pregnancy. my hcg (human chorionic gonadotropin) number was 29 and they needed me to come in friday to make sure the baby was growing. they determine that by drawing more blood and seeing that hcg number double. i have to state again how incredibly shocked i was...i mean, we just had our appointment to talk about THE PLAN and how i was ready to do a couple cycles of clomid and then go the IUI (intra uterine insemination) route. the nurse was so excited for us and kept congratulating us...i thanked her for the amazing news and made my appointment for the next day...(needless to say, i hardly slept that night. i prayed so hard for the number to increase and that the little peanut inside was growing strong...) i keep saying that it feels like a dream...but now our dream of a little family is coming true!!

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