Friday, May 21, 2010

i don't get it PART 2

so a student of mine, spit in the faces of two other, unassuming students that are also in my class. called the parent and explained the situation and let the parent know that her child was getting written a MAJOR referral. the parent calls back to tell me that it always seems that only her child gets in trouble and thinks that it is unfair. UHH, HELLO?!?? when your kid spits in another person's face, what do you expect?? the parent's reasoning was that maybe he gets called out more because he's bigger than most kids and you'd expect him to be the bully. (here comes my second UHH...) when your child fully admits to spitting there is no singling out. it's black and white my friend. teach your kid to respect people.
if i were that parent, and i received a phone call saying my kid spit in another persons face, i would be mortified. i would probably be turning beet red and feeling so embarrassed, wondering what i did wrong as a parent.
oh, and did i mention that i told the parent that her student was required to write two apology notes and bring them in the next day? did that happen? nope. parents, if your kid messes up - that's OKAY. but it is your job as mom or dad to teach your kids about being respectful and responsible. our motto here at the school is:

{i think this can be applicable to all human beings, not just elementary school students.}

1 comment:

  1. some people!!! the nerve!

    uh i got a good idea, punch the kid in the face and say that he provoked you to punch him by spitting on someone else.

    good reasoning parent
