Wednesday, May 26, 2010

week 7 maybe...

today has been a struggle. by far, the worst day...i started off the morning feeling so incredibly nauseous but made myself get out of bed to shower and shave for the doctor. after the shower, i was over the toilet, dry heaving because i had nothing in my stomach - this was not fun. all day i am walking around feeling like i have led in my shoes. i'm pale and just feel sick. every five minutes i want to just go throw up whatever i have in my stomach...
i feel for all the women out there that have/that will/that are experienced morning sickness. the only peace i have is knowing that our little pe
anut must be growing strong since i'm feeling this for that, i am thankful for every little experience i feel along this journey.

on a brighter note, we have our FIRST (well, technically our second) ultrasound this afternoon at 4:15pm!! i can't wait to hear that fast little heartbeat from the peanut inside. if we truly are at week 7 today, our baby is the size of a large blueberry or small grape. the mouth and tongue are forming...hehee

Friday, May 21, 2010

i don't get it PART 2

so a student of mine, spit in the faces of two other, unassuming students that are also in my class. called the parent and explained the situation and let the parent know that her child was getting written a MAJOR referral. the parent calls back to tell me that it always seems that only her child gets in trouble and thinks that it is unfair. UHH, HELLO?!?? when your kid spits in another person's face, what do you expect?? the parent's reasoning was that maybe he gets called out more because he's bigger than most kids and you'd expect him to be the bully. (here comes my second UHH...) when your child fully admits to spitting there is no singling out. it's black and white my friend. teach your kid to respect people.
if i were that parent, and i received a phone call saying my kid spit in another persons face, i would be mortified. i would probably be turning beet red and feeling so embarrassed, wondering what i did wrong as a parent.
oh, and did i mention that i told the parent that her student was required to write two apology notes and bring them in the next day? did that happen? nope. parents, if your kid messes up - that's OKAY. but it is your job as mom or dad to teach your kids about being respectful and responsible. our motto here at the school is:

{i think this can be applicable to all human beings, not just elementary school students.}

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

an amazing man of faith...

jim steinfeld is an amazing man of faith. he loves the Lord with all his heart and is trusting Him through this tough time...
last thursday (may 13th) jim was experiencing a tingling sensation on the left side of his face. he was admitted on saturday (may 15th) at st. vincent's and through some scans, they found two lesions on jim's brain. the doctors were successful and performed a biopsy yesterday evening and the tissue samples did indeed look "abnormal." jim and patsy find out next week the results of the biopsy and what they will be fighting.
last night we had people gather at our house to pray for jim and his whole family. my heart ached for patsy, his four daughters and jim's mom, june. jim is being released from st. vincent's today but will return sometime early next week for the results. please follow jim's story for updates and information. please pray for God's healing hands to touch jim and for the family to feel God carrying them through this difficult time.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

plans for the summer...

during summer 2010, i want to do the following:

~ start my fresh herb garden
~ learn how to sew
~ get a tan
~ find a dress for mark & mai's wedding (any suggestions would be great!)
~ teach charlie new tricks
~ be active 5/7 days
~ sleep in and enjoy the perks of being a teacher
~ finish the guest room
~ repaint the upstairs bathroom
~ create my picture wall

{via never without}

Monday, May 17, 2010

the twins

we left for california last wednesday to celebrate olivia and lucas' 100th day!! 100th day is a traditional celebration in the korean culture, as is the 1st birthday. june (my cousin who lives in chicago...i consider her my *sister) and her husband aleko, and aleko's mom flew in from chicago thursday afternoon. their flight was delayed for just an hour but when you have twins, it must have felt like forever and a day...well, they FINALLY arrived at the house. we were all waiting outside because we were THAT excited!!

i am SO excited to meet these two little babies. i absolutely LOVE my extended family and feel very blessed to be as close to them as i am. i'm hoping for some sun, good family time and baby time!! i just pray for some good rest which might be hard to come by on a couch...(here are some picture of the actual weekend!!)

{we slept on the air mattress every night, and every morning ally helped deflate the bed with uncle scott}

{olivia & grandpa...the look alike's of the family}

{ally's birthday gift arrived from uncle bobby!! she was excited to say the least}

{uncle scott & little man luca}

{janice eemo & olivia...she is a doll!}

{the family of four...aleko, june, olivia & luca}

{the proud grandparents of the twins}

{one of my favorite pictures i took that weekend...the lee girls}


BLOG BLOCK. i have so many that are in the "edit" stage...just can't write. hopefully today i will be inspired...

Monday, May 10, 2010


29 to 78. the doctor said it was exactly what she wanted to see...anything beyond 70 was going to be great...YAYY little peanut! way to go!

now, my blogs are all out of order because i didn't want to publish these before i we told our family and friends. so the day i needed to get my blood drawn was the sam
e day i fell at work. the fall was bad but i started freaking out more about the baby. the nurse gave me ONE instruction and that was to be safe. i got an F that day for that task but thank You, Jesus for cushioning my fall and keeping our baby safe...

we als
o took a home pregnancy test...

woohoooo!! ironically, i think this was one of the last of the 30 i had bought...go figure, the last one says we're preggo!!

seriously?! are you sure??!???

that was my initial reaction last thursday (may 6, 2010). the nurse from the specialist called me back to give the results of my progesterone levels and my blood type. instead, she called to tell me that the blood test came back POSITIVE, meaning a pregnancy positive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she congratulated me and i kept saying, "but i was JUST in there yesterday and got an ultrasound and we didn't see anything. are you sure??" she said that it was very common and that i was probably VERY early in my pregnancy. my hcg (human chorionic gonadotropin) number was 29 and they needed me to come in friday to make sure the baby was growing. they determine that by drawing more blood and seeing that hcg number double. i have to state again how incredibly shocked i was...i mean, we just had our appointment to talk about THE PLAN and how i was ready to do a couple cycles of clomid and then go the IUI (intra uterine insemination) route. the nurse was so excited for us and kept congratulating us...i thanked her for the amazing news and made my appointment for the next day...(needless to say, i hardly slept that night. i prayed so hard for the number to increase and that the little peanut inside was growing strong...) i keep saying that it feels like a dream...but now our dream of a little family is coming true!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

here's to you mom!!

i am blessed with not only one amazing mom, but two. my mom and scott's life would be incomplete without these you both.

my mom is a strong lady. she loves Jesus and seeks him to give her strength everyday. i know she's been through a lot but she loves life and lives it to the fullest. i love how she cares for my dad and our family. she works so hard. she's so tiny you could put her in your pocket. she loves a good deal. her love for her husband will always be a living testament in my life to always love mine too. i am so proud to be your daughter...
mei is the most giving person...she is full of life and always see's the brighter side of things in any situation. she has welcomed me with open arms and loves me like a true daughter since the day we met. her love for our family is amazing...

h a p p y m o t h er ' s d a y ! !

Friday, May 7, 2010

fill in the blank friday...

{via for me}

1. My favorite book growing up was:
the berenstain bears, the baby-sitter's club and sweet valley high.

2. The funniest book I've ever read was probably:
roald dahl books were pretty entertaining as a kid.

3. The one book that has truly changed my life is: tuesday's with morrie was amazing. i also felt the shack had a huge impact in my life.

4. If you're looking for a real "tear jerker" you should probably read: my sister's keeper. even though i don't have a true blood sister, i have so many amazing women in my life that i do consider a *sister*.

5. If I could meet any author living or dead I would want to meet: i would love to meet someone who wrote a book in the bible. anyone, really...

6. The next book on my "to read" list is:
i actually don't have one...i usually wait until summer break.

7. If I was snowed into remote cabin in the woods and could only choose three books to bring with me I'd bring
: i'm with olivia. i'd bring any three harry potter books. actually, probably the latter three only because i read the last one a long time ago and before the movie comes out, i'd like a refresher.

my fall - literally.

i fell today at work. at first, it seemed worse than it actually turned out to be but was embarrassing. i was bringing in a small box of seltzer water for the school baby shower today when i slipped on some water right outside the janitor's closet. when i try and play it back in my mind, my right foot must have slipped bruising the outer part of my foot. then i landed on my left knee and then my left hip. i know for a fact i said one of my go to "choice" words when something abrupt happens and it sure wasn't appropriate for elementary school aged children... anyways, a super sweet substitute asked me right away if i needed help up and then a parent volunteer heard from around the corner and took the box of seltzer water into the office. they called scott and he came right over...went to urgent care and everything seemed fine. work wouldn't let me come back so i'm home on the couch icing the outcome of the's cold and it sucks.{yes, i know. i desperately need a pedicure & a tan}

Thursday, May 6, 2010

so good & so blessed!!

yesterday was AMAZING!! the Lord is so faithful and our doctor is great! it's a very small office and RIGHT across from dr. stewart's...the location is perfect in terms of being close to work so i'll be able to make appointments after school. after yesterday's appointment i am EXCITED!! i had an ultrasound (not a baby one) just to check out stuff: ovaries, uterus, eggs...they took some blood (ouch.) and will start our plan hopefully today...scott had to get some testing done this morning (he's going to be mortified that i'm writing it on here...sorry love!) and we're well on our way. i sometimes wonder why it seems to be that the road God has chosen for me is the longer way. i know that He knows best but that's why i'm only human and not God. i don't always question His ways for me...but i wonder A LOT.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

meet & greet

may 5, 2010

we are meeting our R. E. (reproductive endocrinologist) today. our appointment is at 3:30pm and all of our paperwork should be in. the doctor has hopefully reviewed everything and has an idea about what we're going to talk about today...i'm nervous and excited all at the same time. i even wanted to wear something a little more special...this is how big of a dork i am. i guess in my mind, this is the doctor that could potentially help us make a little miracle. i want to make a good impression...i want him to know we'd (hopefully!) make good parents someday. i want him to understand our inquiring minds as to why it has been so difficult for us. i have these expectations which i shouldn't. my cousin gently reminded me that these doctors are here for one reason - to get you a baby. they are more like scientists...trying to solve the problem and come up with a solution. they may not be the most relational and i should just understand that...but i really hope that it's not. almost time...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

it's a GIRL!!

my best friend, priscilla, is having a girl!! she is due september 24th and i can't wait to meet the little peanut!! this is now, the second baby to our "tenners" group which will now make it an even twelve. i got to go to her very first ultrasound to confirm she was indeed preggo. it was absolutely amazing to see a little pea size nugget and to hear its heartbeat! on sunday, she revealed the gender and here are some pictures of that day:

{john's idea of wrapping}

{everybody was tricked by the sight of blue!!}

{but indeed, it was a dress, for a little girl}

{lemon chiffon baby block rebecca, priscilla's twin. isn't she amazing?!}

{ultrasound pictures...look at that profile!!}

{charlie wasn't so sure about all this "baby" talk}

{baby jackson who is getting SO BIG!!}

{the news announced at our work...everybody is excited here too!}

{pretty rad i get to work with my best friend...does this sign look familiar to anyone?!}