Monday, April 12, 2010

acupuncture - session 4

my fourth session was pretty much the same as the third. he treated me for my headaches as well and told me that i have some anxiety and too much tension which causes my headaches. he also told me that i don't sleep well (right on!) because i think about things too much and my body doesn't get to fully rest (right on!). he said he has a suspicion that i might have problems with my ovaries but that he would let the reproductive endocrinologist (R. E.) diagnose it. i was amazed at how much he knew by just listening to my pulse.
the next step is to meet a doctor that is just right for us. there are two in the running and i just made my first consultation with one for early may. i am so excited and nervous for it. in talking to my cousin who just had olivia and lucas, she s
aid that you go to this R. E. and once they've helped you conceive and it's safe, you go back to your obgyn to deliver the baby...i assumed that they become your new doctor for everything. so i am glad i get to go back to dr. stewart with good news hopefully!
this weekend, my heart ached for a little's time to pray some more. {via For Me}

1 comment:

  1. it's always time to pray some more =). Something tells me 2010 is going to be a great year.
